With the ISIS IOM system family, inomed offers a complete package of products for multimodal intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring. ISIS IOM systems offer outstanding performance, ease-of-use, flexibility and versatility. The powerful ISIS Xpert combines mobility with functionality. It consists of an equipment cart with panel PC, keyboard drawer, accessory basket, constant-current stimulator, amplifier with a total of 32 recording channels (56 inputs: 8 referential and 48 differential) and all necessary adaptor boxes. Hardware 1 pc 504180 ISIS Neurostimulator 1 pc 540501 SEP Stimulation Adaptor 1 pc 540511 Stimulation Adaptor 1 pc 540510 MEP Stimulation Adaptor for Grid/TES Stimulation matrix 1 pc 540559 Grid/TES Stimulation matrix 1 pc 504285 ISIS Headbox 8 Ch. DIF- 8 Ch. REF - AEP 1 pc 504271 ISIS Headbox 16 Ch. DIF 1 pc 540523 EP Adaptor 2 pcs 540531 EMG/MEP Adaptor Ch 1-8 1 pc 540532 EMG/MEP Adaptor Ch 9-16 1 pc 540340 AEP Insert Earphones 1 pc 540013 Video interface Software 504170 iSSS - inomed System Security Solution 504402 ISIS Software EMG 504404 ISIS Software AEP 504406 ISIS Software SEP 504407 ISIS Software TOF 504408 ISIS Software MEP 504414 ISIS Software EEG 504424 ISIS Software ECoG